This is a blog about the everyday events of my life--what drives me, what encourages and discourages me, what touches and nurtures my heart...what makes me who I am.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Love, true love, is such a mystery. In my own experience, I find that it's difficult to simply let someone else love me (no strings attached) and allow that love to permeate my being and to change me into a better person. My natural inclination is to do "something" to return that love, to somehow make myself worthy of receiving that love. However, when I do that, I am not allowing that person's love to come into my life. I am not allowing that person the joy of loving me. Why? Is it because I am afraid to let the other person into my life? into my heart? Is it because it's easier to keep myself at a distance and not get tangled up in someone else's life?

Why is it so hard for people to receive a gift from someone? Why is it that we often feel uneasy and a sense of obligation to give something in return so as to maintain the balance in the relationship? Why is it that we can't just fully embrace what the other is offering us, whether it be a gift or themselves?


At 10:18 PM, Blogger tigra's owner said...

I think sometimes that our insecurities can, as you say, make us feel that we are not worthy of receiving love, or even praise. Today my grandmother, who is out visiting from Florida, said several nice things about my appearance and certain things I had done. I was embarrassed and tried to laugh off her compliments. How silly is that, that I can't even accept heart-felt compliments from my 89-year-old grandmother?


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